17.2.2025 | https://www.leggbelting.com//claim/index.aspx
Start here to complete a warranty claim report. You can also contact your customer sales representative or call us anytime at 800-835-1003. When reporting a claim, it's helpful to have basic information with you: Part Description, Part Number, PO Number, Invoice Number, Pictures and Install date, if applicable. From this point forward, Legg will retain any information you enter. Legg representative will call with follow-up to support and resolve any warranty issue reported.
* required fields. ** Maximum filesize per picture: 2 MB, Maximum filesize in total: 8 MB Your submission of this report is subject to ContiTech USA, Inc.'s website terms of use. All claims are made subject to, and will be processed in accordance with, the Warranty terms in the Continental Conditions of Sale.